Children and youth with a CASA volunteer are more likely to…
Receive needed services in a timely manner
Be enrolled in the appropriate educational setting
Participate in extracurricular activities
Have long-term connections to siblings, relatives, or other support people
Be on track to graduate high school on time
Enroll in post secondary education
Be placed in a permanent home sooner than children without a CASA volunteer
Five key actions of a CASA volunteer
Advocate: Speak up for the best interest of a child
Support: Provide a stable and caring relationship
Investigate: Gather important information about situations in the life of the child
Report: Organize and present details to a judge and caregiver team
Recommend: Offer ideas for improvement in the best interest of the child
Volunteering for CASA makes a difference in the life of children who are put into the system due to neglect and/or abuse. We hope that you will consider volunteering to help make a difference.
Anyone with a commitment to protecting the interests of children may apply for consideration as a CASA Volunteer. No special educational background is required but a volunteer must have the maturity to deal with complex emotional situations. S/he must possess sound decision making skills, and be able to remain objective and nonjudgmental. S/he must have a good rapport with children, have good communication skills, and have a sincere interest in the welfare of children. Each applicant is screened and fingerprinted for the safety of the children.
If, after reading this material, you believe you would like to be considered for this program, please complete the application below and email it to info@casa7.org.
It is expected that volunteers commit to the program for at least two years. Mandatory Pre-Service training is provided to prospective volunteers. In-service training on relevant topics is also arranged on an ongoing basis (with 12 hours mandatory per year). In addition, the CASA Supervisor provides continuous assistance, advice, and guidance for volunteers. CASA volunteers are not compensated for their time; however, out-of-pocket expenses such as mileage and long distance telephone calls are reimbursable.
This program is an excellent opportunity for individuals in the community to become meaningfully involved in helping children. If you think you may have the appropriate skills and the time to commit to this program, please submit your application for consideration.
If you have the desire to volunteer, please review the list below of what qualifications you may need to be a CASA volunteer:
Be of minimum age (21)
Emotional stability and maturity
Interest in children, their rights, and special needs
Time to devote to training sessions, investigation and follow up of a case, (at least a one year commitment, averaging up to four hours a week)
Ability to work with a child, family members, and other professional using tact, concern, and basic human relations skills
Ability to observe, listen, and analyze information clearly and concisely; investigate, interview, negotiate, set goals and make decisions tactfully and objectively
Ability to communicate verbally and in writing, making verbal and written reports to the Court, to the Project Director and to other persons as needed
Present self in a professional manner
Be a credible witness
If you feel you are qualified to volunteer please review the requirements below
Attend approx 30 hours of basic training sessions
Pass intense screening.
Pass Criminal Background Check including finger printing(Finger print based check will be completed every 2 years)
After training, participate in a one case internship.
Maintain strict confidentiality.
Attend in-service training sessions on an ongoing basis, twelve per year.
Following initial training, serve at least one child until permanency has been implemented, often a period of two years or more.
Keep the Case Manager informed of all activities.
Maintain an up-to-date and complete file on each case as assigned and return all case materials to the CASA office at the completion of the case.
Be aware of deadlines and timetables involving an assigned case and turn in all reports on time.
Duties of CASA
Once you have met the necessary requirements, below is an idea of the duties that you would perform as a CASA volunteer.
Maintain complete written records about each case, including appointments, interview, and the information gathered about each child.
Upon assignment to a case, visit with the child twice a month, and interview family members, foster family, teachers, social worker, and other interested parties to determine facts. (Many interviews are by phone but by necessity, some must be in person. In addition, any home suggested as a permanent or temporary placement for the child must be visited.)
Explore alternatives available to the child: living with relatives, foster placement, etc.
Prepare a written report stating findings and a recommendation for permanent disposition of the case and submit the report to the Court no less than ten days prior to the Adjudicatory Hearing.
Assist in the implementation of any plan prescribed by the Court (whether recommended in the CASA report or not).
Continue to monitor progress toward goals prescribed by the Court.
Bring any significant changes in the family situation to the attention of the Court. Ensure that reviews by the Court are done on schedule.
Reappear in Court as needed for review hearings. Continue follow-up contacts, submit supplementary reports, and make new recommendations as needed, until a final disposition is made.
Report any incidents of child abuse or neglect to the Program Director and appropriate authorities.