What is Cultural Awareness (Parts 1 and 2)
Presented by Professor Shari Lynn Johnson, BSSW
Cultural awareness is core to the work we do. An inclusive CASA/GAL network helps us better understand and promote the well-being of the children and families we serve. As a Network we are committed to promoting cultural competence among staff and volunteers, reducing disproportionality and ensuring equitable outcomes for all children regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation and zip code.
Topics to be covered in the series include:
What is cultural awareness – diversity, equity and inclusion; biases and micro-aggressions
Understanding self in relationship to the children and families we serve
Considerations when interacting across differences
Role of social justice in the our work
Infusion of allyship into our work (defined as: lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people)
Part 1(recording): https://nationalcasagal.zoom.us/rec/play/78ArJer5rW83T4HDuQSDBqd9W43rKv6s0Cge86VZmR62ByMLZlqlYbJGZeCNYpyd1XGMphCFPujnejae?autoplay=true&startTime=1591041390000
Part 2 (recording):